Luisa Estrada studied Visual Arts at ENAP-UNAM (2002-2008) and at the National University of Colombia, (2005). She founded the Graphics Workshop “Tendedero” (2008). She obtained a Master's degree in Visual Arts, a specialization in Urban Art, Academia de San Carlos (2009-12). She was coordinator of the Carlos Olachea ENAP-UNAM Graphic Production and Research Workshop 2012-2014. Academic at the FAD-UNAM (2012-15). FONCA Young Creators Fellow 2013-2014 and of the Program for Cultural Promotion and Co-investments in 2016 and 2018 broadcasts developing collaborative projects in different communities of the country, she is Co-director of the Collective “Ruta Gráfica MX” and is currently a member of the National System of Creators.
With her graphic production, she has had awards and recognitions both nationally and internationally such as the Honorable Mention at the IV International Biennial José Guadalupe Posada 2019, Honorable Mention at the First Biennial of Miniestampa TGB - eMe, Japanese Acquisition Award 2015. The third place at the Third International Salon 2015 of Association of Fine Art, Kraljevo, Serbia. 3rd place at the Shinsaburo Takeda Biennial, 2014. Honorable mention at the IX Alfredo Zalce Biennial, 2014, and at the XII Biennale Internazionale per l’Incisione - ACQUI Italia Award.
Her work has been selected in the International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2020 ROC Taiwan, The fourth International Printmaking Triennial, Belgrade Serbia, the Open Portfolio in Bilbao 2019, in the 20th International Biennial of Engraving Varna, Bulgaria 2019, Bienal de Gráfica Carmen Arozena 2018, at the Iowa Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Miniature Prints, in 2015 Guanlan International Print Biennial, at the Jesús Núñez Biennial, Spain 2014 and 2016. XXVIII National Meeting of Young Art, at the International Small Engraving Salon Carbunari 2006 (The Eighth Edition) Romania, among others.
His work has been exhibited collectively and individually in various states of the republic such as Chihuahua, Monterrey, Baja California, Oaxaca, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, etc., as well as abroad, Serbia, USA, Canada, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Vienna, Spain, Argentina, Cuba, China, etc.