
Su Bio

Estudió la Licenciatura en Artes con especialización en Artes Plásticas en el Instituto Cultural Cabañas de la Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Jalisco. Desde entonces ha participado en diversas exposiciones a nivel nacional e internacional. En febrero de 2017 abrió el Taller Connus Art & Press, un espacio dedicado a la producción y enseñanza de las artes gráficas y plásticas. Actualmente es el único taller de grabado en la ciudad de La Paz dirigido por una mujer.
Su trabajo se nutre de distintas disciplinas como son la botánica y la biología marina. Una de sus pasiones es la ilustración científica que la ha llevado a crear obra gráfica con temas marinos y de fauna local.
Born January 5th, 1985 in México City. Graduated in 2016 from “Instituto Cultural Cabañas” in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico where she obtained her Bachelors in Visual Arts and specialized in plastic arts. Her work is nourished with scientific disciplines like botany and marine biology. Scientific illustration is one of her passions, which has led her to create marine and local fauna graphic work. During the year 2017 she founded her art workshop Connus Arts & Press in the city of La Paz Baja California Sur where she currently resides. Connus Arts & Press is currently the only printing workshop led exclusively by a woman in La Paz, this workshop space is meant for the production of art work and teachings in plastic and graphic arts.
Her most recent work: Women’s Evolution and Insurgency, a collective exposition at the anthropology and history regional museum, March 2020, La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico. Sudcalifornia Plastic exposition, March 2020 at Casa de Artesano, El triunfo La Paz, B.C.S, Mexico. Collective exposition, Artistas de La Paz, July 2019 at Centro Cultural La Paz, temporary exhibit room, La Paz B.C.S. Feminine Garden, a national collective “Jardin femenino” organized by Hoja Santa workshop in Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico, July 2019. De Paso, a sudcaliforniano artist collective exposition, January 2018, Loreto, B.C.S. Mexico. Women Printing, a national collective “mujeres grabando” organized by Hoja Santa workshop in Oaxaca de Juarez, Mexico, February 2018. Germinatio, Individual exposition at La Casa del libro sudcaliforniano, October 2018, La Paz B.C.S. Mexico.
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